Airport + Turkey

Omg these people are hilarious. There’s a trio family infront of me, with 6 suitcases. I’ve been spying on them to see what that weight thing will say how much they each are. The biggest one so far, is the one that is exactly 40kg.

I heard the women of the trio say to the later that she’s been here in Turkey for two weeks. My suitcase is less than 6kg, and I’ve been here a week. 6 times 2 = 12 and therefore 12kg would be my MAXIMUM. What the hell did you do to need 40kg during your 2 week holiday. Why do you all have 2 suitcases each anyway? So they individually have more than 40kg probably. What could have have possibly brought and bought to have that much. My whole closet probably isn’t 40kg!

There is a clear divide between people, with airport size suitcases and 1 suitcase per person and people with suitcases the size of houses carrying what’s probably cars in there.

But to be fair, people I’ve never understood are those who carry a suitcase the size of a handbag. Even less! Here there aren’t any, but I mean generally. You might as well bring nothing. Keep purses, passports and tickets in pockets and go, because clearly you don’t need anything. I wouldn’t even be able to find a suitcase so tiny.

This is just a photo of one of the beaches I was at, because I’ve had enough of talking about suitcases.

My trip to Turkey was great, I was surrounded by annoying people at times (don’t even get me started), but when you go off alone in a beach and your FINALLY at peace, then everything is all well and good. All around it was a success, and Turkey was not I suspected in a good way. I was staying in Marmaris, and in fact the only downside was this one creepy waiter I had in a cake shop. I actually can’t tell how old these Turks are for some reason, so I didn’t know if it was chill that this waiter kept circling me like a vulture and touching my arm, or if he was a downright weirdo.

The whole place was lit up with colourful lights, had pretty houses and modern music. There was even a blackout at one point so I got to see the whole thing at night.

You know what else happened though, people kept trying to con me and trick me into paying more for things. It’s not my mistake, people straight out asked for different amount of money on different days. Wouldn’t give me the menu and see the prices until after I ordered. And I even exchanged money, and they gave me less than I should have got, i even came back to the guy and called him out on in. He said sorry, and didn’t give me my full money. It wasn’t as annoying to me as it would have been to other people. I found it funny that they would have the nerve. I later sat down with some Turk that told me about how these shops are only open for 4 months when tourists come the most, and how many of the shop keepers don’t live in Turkey actually, and how they just want to gain enough money to pay the huge rents. Also told me about how they cheat with rents, but that isn’t the point.😂

The shops are open 16 hours!


Overall, Marmaris was defiantly not a mistake, and so what if I lost a few pounds on con artists. I lost them with pride! …. and not everyone is like that, let’s just be clear, I’m not trying to promote hate on Turks ok…Turks are good….I’m just gonna stop.


Omg I tagged this post with so many things.

also ps this post is like a week late. I didn’t have WiFi when I published so it kinda never uploaded.

What The Fuck. 📱

This is what happens when people randomly decide for you that your gonna go on holiday, and when other people INSIST on packing for you. Yes, you heard right. These so called savages (my family) didn’t let me pack my own things when we ( cough cough ‘they’ ) decided we were gonna go on a lil roadtrip to another part of the country. I packed most I was allowed, BUT THEY TOLD ME, they told me they packed my phone and the charger.

They packed the phone all right, but they didn’t pack the charger. Apparently they left it on the windowsill after I let them borrow it. Savages.

I soon ran out of battery and was left with a poor tired phone, with nothing to charge it.

I asked everyone we met in this goddamn country if they had a iPhone charger and no one had one. These people are Samsung lovers. I know. It’s sickening.

It isn’t till now, after about 5 days that I some random person I share a surname with (no joke I actually don’t know who they are) lent me their charger.

I can check my email.

I can take photos ( which is basically the most important thing in holidays )

And, the most holy of them all, I can chill with Netflix.

Sure, I’m gonna run out of battery soon. But who cares, I FEEL SO ALIVE.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those people that can’t live without they’re phones, though it sounds like it. I simply didn’t think this would happen and put too much reliance on my phone for the holiday.

Usually, I’d have a computer to check emails, a camera to take photos and dvds to watch, or simply something better to do.

But when you don’t bring any of those things and it’s always raining outside, you kind of do a massive flop on your plans. Luckily the weathers getting better, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want this beautiful chunk of technology to be fully loaded up.


Holiday Packing

I’ll skip straight to the point.

The basic essentials:

  • Clothes, remember pjs (duh)
  • Book
  • Toothbrush
  • Phone and phone charger
  • ……Um

I can’t think of any more things you need so ima skip to other things that I have packed. And I’m gonna spend a good 5 minutes trying to remember them.

5 minutes later:

  • Face day cream thing
  • I took my GoPro
  • Gum
  • Contact lenses
  • Earphones
  • A little bag that can fit my books

And a some study books.

Now, here’s what other people might also bring:

  • Hairbrush (ok I forgot)
  • Makeup (ikr, some people are crazy)
  • Snacks for the journey
  • Purse (I just grabbed plain notes and stuffed them in the front pocket of my suitcase like an idiot)
  • A handbag

Ima have a break here to talk about handbags. Like why? Ok I get little ones or ones that fit in suitcase without taking up place. But those huge unfoldable ones that make sure you can’t pack half the things you want. Ok, so there are those people being like, ‘well I can bring an extra bag with me, so yeah.’ Ok, fine, lovely, I can too but I filled a bag with books, just saying. But those people who don’t have an extra-bag kinda flight or they’re struggling with space… DITCH THE BAG. What are you doing? Phone, purse, pockets, done!

If you have kids who want to put random stuff in your completely empty completely useless bag. Tell them to hold the thing they’re carrying. Build them arm muscles! 💪.

I’ve actually had this conversation before, and people always try to convince me otherwise. They talk about phone and purses, which I already said should go in pockets. Then they mention passports and documents, may I remind people of the beautiful suitcases you have. Epically if that suitcase has a front pocket in it. Makeup bags? Suitcase! Random hats and scarfs and gloves? Suitcase! Laptop? Why in the name of all things holy, would you carry a laptop in your handbag. I’ve seen this done so many times. FOR GODS SAKE. Suitcase!

There’s also the excuse of, ‘it’s easier.’ Just stop yourself there. You lazy, fabric pouch carrying weirdo.

….now. The most heard excuse. ‘I feel safer with it.’




What the duck 🦆.

They talk of not wanting their passports to be in their front pockets in fear someone will steal it. If that’s how paranoid you are, bury it deep in your suitcase or put a lock on the little zip up things or something. I still think that’s easier than carrying one of these:

This. Is a very funny photo.

Now back to the listing:

  • Travel adapter (I have some where I’m going so didn’t bring it)
  • Diarrhoea treatment (I just went online to see if there was a really good one, so I saw this and threw it in there just to grab your attention.)
  • Other electrics (😂)
  • Accessories (some people pack these and don’t just wear it on them)
  • Your positive attitude (as in, I’ve run out of ideas)

So, to summarise, you don’t need lots, bring a bunch anyway, just stop yourself with handbags unless you have an extra bag flight, and diarrhoea treatment IS DEFINITELY A NECESSITY!-Lily(Can we just appreciate how I did not name a lot of essentials or things I brought but I managed to end up with too much to fit a suitcase. Where’s the logic?)

Don’t make promises you can’t remember

Some people say to not make promises you can’t keep. Me on the other hand, I get the bigger picture, the wider view, the open mind. If you can’t remember a promise you make, you shouldn’t have made it in the first place because you will not be able to keep it. See what I did there. I took a normal saying and made it magical (let me dream).

(That photo is simply there because it reminds me of the song ‘Don’t You [Forget about Me])

I was reading over some posts. And one stood out for me. It was the post of me coming back after the holidays promising to tell stuff about what happened all that time.

Poor me only has like 5 people to actually read it (let’s just be clear, 5 people is all I need). PEOPLE IS PEOPLE. And I promised.

And surprise surprise, did this actually happen. No.

But I’m not crazy! I remember making a whole post on the whole summer holiday. I remember a whole text on beach boy and kissing and my cousin and a concert I wasn’t invited to! I even remember a bit on my friend and her brother which I threw in there! I remember my hands were so dead because they had stiffened (even though I kept moving my thumbs, I managed to stiffen them, it’s a gift). And I was trying to find this post and is it there, nope.

I was about to write it again, but it’s not nearly as fresh. This all happened about 6 months ago. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭.

So instead I made this post.

I’m not joking, some mystical forces are working against me! (I’ll say more on that later.)* This post was made, and I was pushed into some parallel dimension where it never existed. Just for that little point I just made there, I’m gonna throw in ‘supernatural’ into my tags.

-Lily *(I’ll probably forget)

Christmas is all about Friends and Friends

Not friends and family. Oh no.

I spent my Christmas at my friends house. Her 5 cousins, her brother, her mum, her two aunties, her uncle, one of her aunties husbands, her cat, her guineapig, her fish and Olivia.

I came late cause I was asleep till 2. This was all because I don’t actually celebrate Christmas, so I don’t take it seriously and go to sleep really late on Xmas Eve. I just walk around the empty streets each year, which is why my friend told me to come to her house for Xmas.

I always find Xmas funny in a way, because I never hear mention of Jesus Christ or the birth of Jesus. Just presents and family and food. I guess that’s what people find special about on Christmas, the fact that they made it into something for everyone, I don’t know.

The most religious moment was when the youngest member of the family, that was a little girl, said the prayers. It was adorable even though I didn’t understand a single word but ‘amen’ because she mumbled.

The whole thing was just a cooped up little feast with presents everywhere you look. I went to put my stuff down, when I arrived, in the only space left and I hit the cat accidentally. He was sitting down in that clear space, not occupied by presents, and I didn’t see because he was the same colour as the floor. So all I managed was to make a very bewildered cat out of him.

There was still a lot of stress and my friend actually looked bored at times. And I didn’t understand why, because she’d been waiting for this the whole year. One of her cousins was crying and the youngest one kept slapping me. But it all came together when we brought out the Nintendo switch and about 6 of us played Just Dance. I never knew that something that only two people could play at a time, could satisfy the 6.


When you remember you have wordpress

Share your strory here…

Can I?

I totally forgot that I had this. After the holidays I’m just….mind blown!

Have I talked about beach boy. My ❤️ or the fact that X is back.

In case you were wondering: X is my first ever crush (I’m not the kind of person that falls in love easily), and we were constantly in an love game till it ended up a arguing game that I gave up on. And ❤️ is my……

-Status unclear-

Short story, I like like him. And he….

Feelings unclear-
BEACH BOY- now here’s a story. My first kiss was on a beach….to someone who I didn’t even know the name of…during the holidays. (At least now no one can tell me, ‘you still haven’t found someone or even had a kiss!?’)

I didn’t even want to be kissed, it was the first time we met and I had no idea he even felt that way.

‘So I’m I just a one-off?’ He asks. 🤔But I’m not the one kissing people I just met. 

This story goes on forever, how I cut my leg and he tried to pick me up because I couldn’t stand, and trying to explain to my friends that I’m not together with someone I just met but long story short:


I only have eyes for ❤️. 

If you want more on ❤️, wait and see. (I feel so mysterious when I say this.)


When You Know You’ve Fucked Up

You know you’ve fucked up when you have spent an hour at the border and you’ve only moved 20 metres.

Note to self: Next time do what you wanted to do, wake up early drive though the border, sleep on the beach and ditch everyone else.

These people are the reality of Pretty Little Liars. They’re laughing at us, chatting, drinking coffee and not looking at people’s passports.

I hope that A records them and threatens to show the tape to the authorities.


Relaxing is Probably the Most Painful Activity

There’s now a water park near my grandparents house. Everything is epic, except for this one slide that shoved my costume so far up my butt that it looked like my ass was eating toxic waste candy.

And my little cousin threw herself on this huge slide and ended up in crutches because she furiously jumped in it. And when she landed it shifted her hip bone.

I know it shouldn’t be funny. But while I was writing this post, she forgot she hurt herself and started running with the dog.

Two steps later, she was on the floor. We’re now both laughing at her fail.


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